Thursday, June 6, 2013

Mole Repellents

Moles or Voles can Destroy your Garden but   most methods are poison baits so here are ways to Repel the mole without hurting it  or kill them all you are doing is Repelling them  hopefully the mole will move to to that Jerk neighbors yard you know the one I am talking about 

Buy Some Mint or Eucalyptus Essential Oil
mixed with Olive oil or Castor oil  

Either peppermint or spearmint will do as well as eucalyptus oil which is a strong smell that moles do not like. While you are out getting the oil, pick up a bag of cotton balls also, if you don't have any at home.

~~Find the Mole Entrance~~

Take some cotton and a bottle of oil with you as you find out where the entrance to their tunnel is by following the trails of softened dirt. A single mole can travel at the speed of 15 feet an hour so there may be many tunnels that lead to an entrance. The entrance is usually near the center of the mound and slightly covered but you can put a stick in it and dig out some of the dirt. Other times the entrance is quite visible as just a hole in the ground.

~~Put Oil on the Cotton~~

Pour enough drops of oil on the cotton to get it fairly moist so the smell will permeate the entrance and down into the mole tunnel.

~~Push the Cotton Down as Far as You Can~~

Shove the saturated cotton down into the tunnel as far as you can with a stick. Do this to all entrances that you find and then you can even push small pieces of the moistened cotton through the dirt into the trails at various spots to keep the smell repelling the mole as it travels underground.

~~Cover the Hole Back Up with Dirt~~

Take a stick and push some dirt over the entrance after pushing the cotton down into it. Repeat every few days to give the mole a strong repelling smell and a hint to move along to different territory.

What you can Grow to Repel them

 Several bulb plants are said to repel moles. One is the well-known daffodil. Two of the others are also classic spring bloomers, although not quite as widely known as the daffodil: Siberian squill (Scilla siberica) and crown imperial (Fritillaria imperialis).

Squill bears pendulous bell-like flowers in shades of lavender, blue, white or pink. Over the years squill will multiply and fill in an area. Squill naturalizes in zones 4-8.

Yellow crown imperials such as Fritillaria imperialis 'Lutea' bear six to eight pendulous yellow flowers. The scent of its bulbs is said to resemble that of a fox, which certainly would not be a pleasant smell for moles. These plants reach about 3 feet in height. Zones 5-7.

The Allium genus of bulbs comprises not only garlic, onions, leeks, chives and shallots, but also ornamental flowering onions, such as Allium schubertii. The latter are sometimes simply referred to as "Alliums." This unusual flowering plant ranges in size from about 6"-5' in height. While garlic is also reputed to be a mole repellent, Allium is a better choice if you are seeking a living mole repellent strong not only in scent, but also in aesthetic qualities.

Allium giganteum is one of the taller ornamental Alliums, reaching 3'-5'. Flowers are purple and form round clusters with a width of 4"-6". As its leaves die back in early summer, you’ll want this plant to be screened from view. To accomplish this, simply plant Alliums behind other plants that will obscure them as Allium’s foliage dies. Bulbs can be planted in fall or spring, 6" deep. Cold hardy to zone 4.

The Mexican marigold (Tagetes minuta) is a malodorous plant widely used in companion planting for its ability to repel pests. Companion planting is an example of an organic control method. And adventurous landscapers desirous of controlling moles the organic way don't have to settle for planting the commonplace marigold. A couple of "living mole repellents" have a decidedly exotic flair: namely, mole plant and castor bean.

That's right: one of these plants has gained such notoriety as a living mole repellent that it is often referred to simply as "mole plant." Also called "caper spurge" (Euphorbia lathyris), this plant is an annual but re-seeds itself readily. Mole plant has a striking architecture and is often grown as an ornamental, standing erect and bearing lance-shaped leaves. Its leaves are marked with an exquisite white vein running right down the middle. If you make a cut into a mole plant's stem, a milky sap will ooze out, as when you break the stalk of a milkweed plant. It is apparently the smell of this poisonous, caustic sap that repels the moles.

This one  I am leaving at the bottom with a Warning

The final living mole-repellant I'd like to describe is castor bean, also known as castor-oil plant (Ricinus communis). This one's a bit of a no-brainer, since, as I have already mentioned, commercial mole repellent formulas are based on castor oil. Used in the old days as a laxative, there are still many folks out there who can attest to the repellent qualities of castor oil. And it would seem that moles do not like it any better than humans do! A word of caution: castor bean, like mole plant, is poisonous -- neither should be grown around small children.

In temperate climates castor bean is treated as an annual. It grows quickly and can reach 15' in height, suggesting another use for this plant as well: namely, as a privacy screen for those who don't have time to wait years for a shrub to reach such a height. Castor bean bears huge, star-shaped leaves that make it a very attractive specimen, and thus desirable even on landscapes not plagued by moles.

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